Hospitality [Flash, 2017]

Foodtrucks: we line up to buy the best food. Ever wondered how some of them can be so successful? Warning, the solution may spoil your appetite!
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Genre: Flash Fiction 417010601 
Language: English.
Finished: January 6, 2017.
Author: Eduard Meinema
Words: 575.
IRC updated: January 6, 2017.

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Foodtrucks: we line up to buy the best food. Ever wondered how some of them can be so successful? Warning, the solution may spoil your appetite!


After participating an art fair (Museummarket, Amsterdam) I wondered about the success of some of the many foodtrucks. Why were some popular and others not? I think I've found the success factor. 

List of characters
Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!
  • Patty - protagonist
  • Yep, only one name. Keeps it clean and simple, right?  

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